Thursday, May 15, 2014

Smart cars and Road rage!

Just chilling
If I was someone living in Rome, I would start a Smart Car dealership. I would be rich in days. In Canada no one really buys Smart Cars because the are dorky and expensive, but in Rome it's a whole different story. There are Smart Cars everywhere. We once counted 25 Smart Cars in 10 minutes and the other cars that are on the street are almost the same size. If you don't drive a scooter it's either a Smart Car, Fiat 500 or any car smaller. There is some sense in buying a Smart Cars. For starters it makes finding a parking spot much easier because a Smart Car is about the size of half a normal car. You can double park with another Smart Car in a normal parking spot so both Smart Cars will be able to park in one spot. You can also park on the medium the middle of the road along with all of the scooters.  Another thing about Rome is that the drivers are not very nice and the cops are almost useless.

The streets of Rome!
Now, if you ever go to Rome and are driving around the corner and see a gaggle of male cops  just chilling in their vans don't be afraid. They are probably just drinking  espresso, reading a book or just talking. They may look scary and imposing but they are not going to give you a hassle or pull you over. Even if you break a rule of the road they will just sit there and keep on talking or reading their book. The male cops of Rome don't do much other than maybe occasionally pull over someone for going REALLY fast in a small street or something like that. But the female cops of Rome do much more on the weekdays. They are at almost every intersection with their whistle controlling traffic or inside their little booths. I would recommend  making sure that you're not breaking any rules when driving around intersections in Rome.

There is one more thing to say about Roman traffic. Everyone has road rage. It can vary from a person that just cuts you off or someone who just continuously  honks behind you if you're not driving fast enough.Everyone probably thinks they can cut people off because the cops don't care. But the aggressiveness of Roman driving does not affect us much because we have drove all over Central America and many other third world countries.

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