Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Scary Plane Rides

I have been on many airlines, some amazing, some horrible and some scary. Ryanair is somewhere between scary and horrible. For starters, when we arrived at our gate the plane was just done unloading and we  immediately started loading. There were no engineers visually inspecting the engines for technical failures, no techs running diagnostics on the plane’s computer just two guys with a fuel truck filling up the plane. Now Ryanair's slogan is "The low fares airline" and it really is. Inside there were ads plastered everywhere, much like a Vietnamese town. Where TV’s would have been on Air Canada or any other airline there was an ad surrounded in bright yellow plastic. While waiting for the rest of the passengers to load on the plane I noticed that Jack was having a hard time getting his legs in the small cramped space behind the seat. Also, I noticed that the seats did not recline or move any way whatsoever.

Our hotel
the bouncy landing, which I though had one too many bumps, and applause from many of the passengers, everyone raced off the plane. Literally. Many of the local Moroccans ran over the tarmac, followed by a few clueless tourists. When we got inside we found out why they were running. It was because of the line for the passport control. The officers were deadly slow at processing each person and you didn't want to wait in line for a long time. We were lucky waiting only 45 minutes because we were some of those clueless tourists who ran. When our passports were finally processed, we walked outside to get a taxi to our hotel. Since we were in a third world country again, we were going to have to do some bargaining! After going to multiple taxi drivers to get the right price (200 Dirhams) we all piled into a 30 year old Mercedes along with our driver who looked a lot like a “Jawa” from Star Wars, with his pointy hood and long robe. All he would have needed to complete the Jawa look, was glowing eyes. He drove like a Jawa probably would, really fast on small populated streets and with no slowing down for corners. When we arrived at our destination which was an entrance to an ally, he said we had to go left then right to get to our hotel. Luckily with modern technology,GPS, and a little help from the locals we arrived safely at our hotel, which had a door to the alley with a small sign beside it. We were greeted by the nice night guard, Muhammad. By that time, we were all ready to collapse so we went to bed to be well rested for the adventures to come the next day.

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