Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Streets of India

At my mother's request, I am going  to write a description about the streets of India.

It was a hot Indian day.  A bump suddenly jolted me sending pain up through my spine and
spreading through my back. The  electric "tuk tuk" I was in, hummed along  weaving in and out of cars. We passed a garbage pile milling with cows and goats which sent a wave of manure and other questionable smells our way. When the ride was over I got out wincing as the sun and the smell of rotting garbage attacked my senses.  As  we walked passed streets filled with women clad in berkas and sarees I saw some monkeys hopping along overhangs while little boys
threw bananas up to them. The next street we walked on was one of  the main streets on which one of the rare traffic lights was working. We dashed to the other side just as the light turned green. Then chaos erupted with cars coming from every direction at each other honking, with bikes in the middle of it all weaving through any gaps they could get.As I turned around, multiple people approached me asking if I wanted to buy some spices  that smelt like a mixture of chocolate and chillies. Moving on
I discovered that my family had entered one of the shops. As I walked in, smells hit me like a battering ram.  I could identify only chillies, almonds, and chocolate. But by the time I could register everything my family had left so once again I headed out of the store into the blinding light.

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