Friday, February 28, 2014

Rain, rain go away come again another day.

Bella likes a free ride
Just before the rain....
Rain is down right evil especially when you are not equipped for it and you have a soggy, tired, cold three year old baby with you. Yesterday we went out once again to go look around the busy streets of Old Delhi to look for gifts. At the time we went out it was a nice, sunny day not too hot, not too cold, like a normal Canadian summer day. We flagged down the nearest tuk tuk which brought other tuk tuk drivers to us. My father briefly bargained for the best price which is about 100 rupees or 1.79 Canadian dollars. The traffic was so bad we decided to get out and walk the rest of the way (which was about 3 blocks). After walking for a bit we noticed that we were in the shoe retail area and my mom saw some sparkly slippers that she liked, so we decided to walk around this area for a little so my mom could get some sparkly slippers for her and Bella. After buying multiple pairs of slippers for my mom and no luck
In the tunnels of downtown Old Delhi
for Bella, we wandered around the area looking for a pair for Bella. By then it was starting to get a little cloudy after about half an hour we gave up. Jack, our navigator, said that it would be a little faster to take a few small side streets to get to our destination. At  that time it was starting to rain a little and I thought it was just going to pass. After about 45 minutes of walking through little tunnels and side streets, we were lost. By then it was raining a little harder, nothing that bad though. It was about 2 o'clock by the time we got back to the streets and we were all starting to get a little hungry so
 we stopped at a little corner store to get a snack which consisted of cookies and pastries. By then it was raining very hard and my dad just said that it would pass in a few minutes. Ten minutes later it was raining very badly and we all decided that we would make a break for it to the street to get a tuk tuk back to our hotel. It took about 5 minutes of running in the rain to get to the street and by then my shoulders were soaked and in the tuk tuk the rain just blew in the sides and made us even wetter. By the time we good back to the hotel we were all very soggy doggy's. Later that day when we were all dry we looked for the forecast and it said that its going to rain for the next few days (weee).

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