Saturday, June 14, 2014

England Fun Times!

Do you think that once the English discovered so many old castles and artifacts, whenever they found a new one they’d just be say, “Hey you found a castle. That’s great, put it in the books with the 300,000 other castles we have found.” Now since they have all these castles, one day a guy probably came along and realized that he could charge an admission to go look at castles and he probably got rich. That same guy was probably the same dude who started the English Heritage Sites and sucked people in to paying their horrible prices to see castles and sites like that. But that guy`s probably long dead and his great great great great grandson thought that his ways were not very family friendly. So for one price you can buy a family membership and get free admission to hundreds of English Heritage sites. Now you ask where am I going with all this. Well we are members of the English Heritage and in the past few days we have been using our membership extensively.

In the past few days we have seen the Kenilworth castle which was the castle where the Boyfriend of Queen Elizabeth the First lived. Originally it was surrounded by trees but the land was flooded so that it was surrounded by water to make it harder to attack and so the rich inhabitants of the castle could swim on the lake. We also went to the Avesbury stone circles which were a lot like Stonehenge but a lot more spread out in a bigger circle. We are still wondering how they moved the very heavy stones. Lastly, that day we drove up one of the few mountains in flat England where there was a bronze age fort called Bratton Camp. On the side of the very grassy mountain there was a chalk horse carved into the mountain side. All around England there are horses like that on hills to commemorate generals victory’s.

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